This website was made to assist those preparing for the CICM First Part Exam
- The JamJar Homepage links you to the online & Victorian teaching calendar….Go to First Part teaching every single week no matter what stage you are at!
- MCQs – recalled by candidates before you
- Syllabus & SAQs summarise a myriad of (CICM approved, but largely non approved) printed and electronic materials to give you an idea of the level required. None of the content has been vetoed by examiners
- The JamJar is 100% not for profit but if there are any copyright concerns please be in touch so we can rectify the issue
- If you want to contribute to the site please get in touch – similarly, if there are any corrections please let us know
Ars longa, vita brevis
- Everything is L1
- Don’t kid yourself. Everything is L1
- Do
- All the Drugs
- Memorise the MCQs
- Every Syllabus Point
- Every Past Question est 2014
- Structure your answers based on Previous Exam Reports
- If you can, get your hands on Nick Chrime’s insanely amazing notes!
- Courses: Mark Finnis (Adelaide) & the MPS (Victorian Mock Written + VIVA)
- Websites:
- ChatGPT
- CICM Wrecks
- DrugBank
- Deranged Φysiology
- Medmastery
- Nick Mark’s OnePager
- Sketchy Micro: For all your microbe/antimicrobial needs. You’re welcome
See you on the other side,
Get in touch

- This is a hard exam…A very hard exam
- Maintain perspective. Do things you enjoy and reward your hard work
- Don’t ever think you are alone. This website was made for YOU!
- Exercise to get the indoor-fans going
- Get in touch if it’s becoming too much
- Hang out with people that love you