K: Nervous System – Including Pain
- K1i / 21B18: Outline the neural pathways for the pupillary light, corneal, oculomotor and gag reflexes. The anatomical course of nerves is NOT required
- K1i / 23B20: Outline the anatomy (60% marks) and synaptic physiology (40% marks) of the Vagus Nerve
- K1i: Anatomy of CN relevant to brain stem reflexes
- K2i / 15A22: Dexemdetomidine v Ketamine
- K2i / 16A24: Ideal sedative for ICU patients
- K2i / 17B11 / 15B14: Describe the pharmacology of Propofol
- K2i / 18B04: Compare and contrast Ketamine and Midazolam
- K2i / 19A07: Midazolam v dexmedetomidine
- K2i / 19B09: Propofol v Midazolam
- K2i / 22B01: Describe the pharmacology of midazolam
- K2i: Ideal Sedative
- K2i: PD effects of propofol
- K2i: PPF v ideal sedative
- K2ii / 21B02 / 14A17: Classify local anaesthetic agents and give examples (30 marks). Describe the pharmacology of lignocaine
- K2ii / 15B07: Draw and label a cross section of the lumbar epidural space (50 marks). Describe the pharmacology of bupivacaine (50 marks)
- K2ii / 18B19: Describe toxicity of local anaesthetic agents
- K2ii / 19A01: Describe the pharmacology of lignocaine
- K2iii / 15B24: Valproic Acid v Carbamazepine
- K2iii / 17A17 / 14B02 : Compare and contrast the pharmacology of phenytoin and levetiracetam
- K2iii / 23B04: Compare and contrast the pharmacology of phenytoin and levetiracetamClassify the mechanisms of action of anti-convulsant drugs (30% marks). Outline the pharmacology of gabapentin (70% marks)K2iii / 23B04: Compare and contrast the pharmacology of phenytoin and levetiracetam
- K2iii: Mechanism anticonvulsants
- K4ii / 14A24: MoA of opiates
- K4ii / 17B13 / 16B12: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of an IV infusion of fentanyl in comparison to morphine
- K4ii / 20A17: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of an IV infusion of fentanyl in comparison to morphine
- K4ii / 21A12 / 17A12: Oxycodone
- K4ii / 22A11: Outline the structure and function of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor (25% marks). Discuss the pharmacology of ketamine (75% marks).
- K4ii: NMDA Receptor
- K4ii: Opioids & Opioid Receptors