Fresh Frozen Plasma
FFP is all the clotting factors present in whole blood
Single whole blood donation
- Frozen within 8hrs
- Stored 1yr ≤ -25°C to minimise loss of F V & VIII
- Thawed in H2O bath ~20 mins
- Used immediately or can be stored @ 4°C to use <24hrs
- Frozen within 8hrs
- Stored 1yr ≤ -25°C to minimise loss of F V & VIII
- Thawed in H2O bath ~20 mins
- Used immediately or can be stored @ 4°C to use <24hrs
Warfarin reversal
MoA (mechanism)
Replaces clotting factors depleted by warfarin
Centics: not a factor concentrate
∴ multiple units need to be administered for successful with reversal
Requires: blood group, facilities for storage & thawing
→Given with Vit K to sustain effect