F10i: Descrbe the physiological consequences of IPPV
IPPV Definition
IPPV is artificial ventilation whereby mouth pressure is elevated above atmospheric pressure to inflate the lungs
Respiratory Effects
- Mouth P > Atmospheric P
- Lung inflates according to its compliance & resistance
- Slow insp. → gas flows in accordance with C
- Fast insp. → flow distributes to parts of lung with short time constants
- ↑Alveolar & Intrapleural pressures
- Alveolar P → P required to overcome elastic recoil of lung
- Intrapleural P → P required to overcome elastic recoil of lung
For INSP to occur must overcome:
- Elastic recoil of lung
- Resistance to airflow
- Passive
- Differs from SPV because no diaphragmatic tone
- Mouth pressure just falls back to atmospheric P
Cardiovascular Effects
- ↑LV preload
- ↑Intrathoracic P squeezes pulm. vessels
- ↑VR to L) heart
- ↑CO
- F – S mechanism; ↑preload = ↑CO
- ↓LV afterload
Transmural P = Intraventricular P – Intrapleural P
- IPPV = ↑intrapleural P
- ↓Transmural P
- ↓Wall tension
- ∴↓afterload
(Sustained ↑Intrathoracic P)
- ↓RV preload
- ↑intrathoracic P
- ↓VR
- ↓RV preload
- ↑PVR
- ↑alveolar P = ↑PVR
- ↑RV Afterload
- Due to ↑PVR
- ↓RV output → ↓LV output
- ↓CO
- ↓intrathoracic P
- ↑VR
- Blood pools in pulm. vessels
- Sustained ↓LV preload → ↓CO
- Eventually restored as blood returns to LV
Renal (↓Urine Output)
- ↓LA stretch receptors (vol)
- ↑ADH
- ↑H2O reabsorption