F11iii: MOCK Describe the mechanism of action & adverse effects of pulmonary vasodilators administered via the inhalational route
- Pulmonary hypertension = MPAP ≥ 25mmHg at rest, measured by R) heart catheterisation
Inhalational Route
- Rate of diffusion = \(S\over AT\) \(\times\) \(Solubility\over \sqrt{MW}\)\(\times\) \((P_2 – P_1)\)
- Non-invasive
- High permeability
- Large SA for absorption
- Thin barrier to diffusion
- Good blood supply
- Low enzyme activity
- Avoids 1st pass metabolism
- Direct delivery for resp disorders
- ↓Systemic A/E
Definition: A prostaglandin produced by pulmonary endothelium
- Binds prostacyclin receptor
- Activates AC
- ↑cAMP
- ↓MLKC activity & Ca2+ availability
- VD
- ↓cAMP
- Inhibits platelet aggregation + counteracts TXA2 ↑Ca2+ which leads to platelet activation & coagulation
- Potent inhibition of smooth m. cell proliferation
- Hypotension
- Flushing
- Headache
- Bleeding
Nitric Oxide
Definition: an inorganic gas & free radical
- Diffuses into vasc smooth m.
- Activates enzyme GUANYLYL CYCLASE
- GC catalyses formation of 2nd messenger cGMP
- cGMP activates protein kinases
- ↓intracellular Ca2+ → smooth m. relaxation → VD
- MetHb
- Pulmonary oedema
- Tachyphylaxis
- On abrupt cessation, profound ↓PaO2 & ↑PAP
- Worsens V/Q mismatch
Definition: colourless, odourless, tasteless gas, 21% of atmospheric gas
- Prevents HPVC
- ↓PVR
- ↑delivery of O2 to alveoli
- ↑pulmonary BF to these alveoli
- Improves V/Q matching
- Atelectasis
- Abnormal ciliary transport
- Free radical production & damage to cap. Membrane
- Loss of hypoxic drive