F3v: Explain the concept of time constants


  • A time constant (t) = time taken for an exponential process to be 63% complete if the initial rate continues
  • An exponential process is complete after 3 time constants
    • g. t1 = 63% complete
    • t2 = 86.5% complete (100 – (37 x 37))
    • t3 = 95% complete (100 – (37 x 37 x 37))

Normal Lung Unit

  • Flow of air in & out of alveoli is an exponential process

t = compliance x resistance

= 100mL/cm H2O x 2cm H2O/L/sec

= 0.2 seconds

  • ∴normal lung unit, filling completed 63% after 0.2 sec
  • ∴t gives indication of alveoli filling/emptying velocity

Heterogeneity Slow & Fast Time Constants

  • Altered TCs give unequal ventilation at any level
  • ↑R = requires prolonged emptying due to narrow airway
  • ↑C = slower emptying due to ↓elastic recoil
  • ↑either will ↑ t (C x R)
  • For even distribution of ventilation, lung units require same t (it doesn’t matter if the R/C is ↓/↑)
    • Fast alveolus

↓ C/R = shortens t

∴ slows greatest volume ∆ first → then approaches equilibrium

    • Slow alveolus

↑ C/R = longer t

∴takes longer for volume ∆

In Disease



↑C = Emphysema = ↑t

↑R = asthma = ↑t

↓C = Pulmonary fibrosis = ↓t


∴radius of bronchi most vulnerable

Effect of Uneven Time Constants

  • Fast & flow alveoli are out of sync
  • Fast alveoli are ventilated first & always subject to greater pressures
  • At end INSP, slow alveoli have not filled
  • EXPR starts → gas redistributed from FAST → SLOW (KA PENDELLUFT EFFECT)
  • But these SLOW ALVEOLI are filling with air already partaken in gas exchange → ↑V/Q mismatch
  • Exacerbated at ↑RR = ↓redistribution tie = ↓DYNAMIC COMPLIANCE

Measuring Time Constants

  • Plateau phase of capnograph
  • Healthy lung = no gradient
  • Fast Alveoli → empty first → then slow alveoli ∴slow upward rise
  • ↑heterogeneity = steeper plateau gradient