F7v: Describe the role of endogenous nitric oxide in ventilation and perfusion

Nitric oxide

  • Produced by endothelial cells to relax vascular smooth muscle and cause vasodilation
  • Formed from L arginine via endothelial NO synthase


  • Shear stress neurotransmitters (bradykinin, substance P, histamine), metabolic activity (Increase H, K, PaCO2, adenosine, temperature, lactate, decrease PaO2), volatiles


  • Diffuses into vascular smooth muscle -> NO stimulates guanalyl cyclase -> increase cGMP -> activates protein kinase G -> inhibits IP3 mediated release of calcium -> decrease intracellular calcium
    • SM: relaxation -> vasodilation
    • Lung: pulmonary vasodilation -> improves VQ mismatch, decrease pulmonary vascular resistance, decrease pulmonary artery pressure
      • More details below

Role in ventilation and perfusion


  • Largest impact on hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
    • eNO decreases HPV
    • Therefore dilates pulmonary vessels which are well ventilated to allow increased perfusion
    • Overall reduces intrapulmonary shunt -> improves VQ matching and increases arterial oxygenation
  • Other perfusion related:
    • Increases HR by stimulating the hyperpolarisation-activated Inward Current
    • Increase cardiac contractility
      • The efficiency of myocardial contractility is ideal – therefore interestingly decreases myocardial oxygen consumption
    • Decrease right ventricular pressure, decrease intracardiac shunt, increase right ventricular ejection fraction


  • Decrease PVR, PAP
    • Relationship between PVR and lung volume is U shaped
    • PVR is lowest at FRC
    • Therefore decreasing PVR to as close as possible to FRC will allow for benefits including: decrease work of breathing, small airway resistance is low (prevents atelectasis/gas trapping), maximal lung compliance
  • Increase bronchial dilation
    • Areas of well ventilated lungs are more likely to receive increased perfusion (in the presence of iNO and HPV mechanism is intact)
      • Overall improves VQ mismatch

Author: Suzanne Luong