G4iii: Uteroplacental Blood Flow
- Uteroplacental BF = delivers O2 & nutrients to foetus
- Abnormalities result in threatened foetal viability & gestational pathology
- Main supply → UTERINE A.
- Smaller supply → OVARIAN A.
- Uterine BF:
- 50mL/min (before pregnancy) → 700mL/min (at term)
- 3 phases of ↑:
- FIRST PHASE: ↑2° ↑O & P hormones
- SECOND PHASE: from growth & remodelling of uteroplacental vasculature to support placental development
- THIRD PHASE: ↑uterine a. VD to meet demands of rapidly growing foetus
- ↑BF to uterine a. results from preferential ↑flow to Internal Iliac a. but ↓flow to External Iliac a. → KA ‘STEAL PHENOMENON’
Blood Flow Regulation
- Pre-pregnancy → subject to pressure autoregulation
- Pregnancy → Pressure Dependent BF
- Uteroplacental circulation is widely VD low-resistance system whose perfusion is pressure-dependent
- No ability for autoregulation
Uterine Perfusion Pressure = Uterine Arterial P – Uterine Venous P
↓Uterine BF due to:
- ↓Perfusion P
↓Uterine Arterial P
- Supine → aortocaval compression
- ↓blood volume
- Drug induced inc neuroaxial anaesthesia
↑Uterine Venous P
- Vena cava compression
- Uterine contractions
- Sustained skeletal m. contraction (seizures, Valsalva)
- ↑Vascular R
- Endogenous + exogenous VC → catechols, vasopressin, AII
Vascular ∆ in Pregnancy
- Pregnancy = ↓MAP to maintain Uterine BF
- ↑Uterine Perf P
- ↓Uterine R
- ↑Vascular volume due to ↑O & P, which stimulate RAS
- ↑effective circulation
- Eventual ↑EPO will restore HCt
- ↓Vasc R due to vascular remodelling & development of dilated placental circulation
- ↑vessel diameter & length
∴↑radius = ↓R
- Uterine A diameter is doubled by 21 weeks gestation
- Steroid Hormones → O & P also came Uterine A VD & concomitant ↑Uterine BF
- ↓response to vasoconstrictors inc. NA, Adrenaline & AII especially in uterine circulation of mother