H1v: Renal handling of potassium
- K+ is the major intracellular cation
- Key role in RMP → ∴regulation is v. important
- Plasma K = 3.5 – 5mmol/L
Renal Handling
K excreted = K filtered – K reabsorbed + K secreted
- K freely filtered by glomerulus
- 5 – 15% filtered load excreted
- ∴must be reabsorbed
- Most segments of nephron reabsorb K
- The distal segments are the important ones tweaking K secretion
- Reabsorbs 55%
- Paracellular diffusion due to SOLVENT DRAG
Thick ASC LoH
- Reabsorbs 30%
- Co-transporter Na/K/2Cl → driven by Na/K/ATPase
- Paracellular diffusion → due to +ve trans-tubular potential
Collecting Duct
1) Plasma K Level
- Na/K/ATPase is highly sensitive to plasma K
- ↑↑↑upregulated with hyperkalaemia
- ↑K secretion in collecting duct
2) Aldosterone
- Stimulated by hyperkalaemia
- Directly stimulates adrenal cortex
- ↑ no. of Na/K/ATPase channels on distal nephron
3) Na+ Delivery to Distal Nephron
- K so strongly linked to Na via Na/K/ATPase
- ∴↑Na delivery → attempt to reabsorb Na =↑K secretion
4) Flow Rate to Distal Nephron
- K secretion ∝flow rate
- ↑fluid delivery = ↑K+ secretion