H1v: The role of the kidney in drug excretion


  • Renal clearance = the volume of plasma completely cleared of a substance per unit of time
    • Units = mL/min
  • Clearance is based on the FICK PRINCIPLE, which is the conservation of mass

DELIVERY (renal a.) = RETURNS (renal v, reabsorption) x EXCRETION (urine, secretion)

  • Clearance is one of the kidneys’ 1° function & the most important route of drug elimination (others: bowel, bile, lungs, lactation)

Role of the Kidney in Drug Elimination


  • Glomerular filtration of drugs
    • GF = volume of plasma filtered by the kidneys per minute
    • Normal GFR = 125mL/min
    • GFR = Kf (permeability x SA) x NFP
  • Permeability depends on the integrity of 3 layers of filtration barriers
  • Cap Endothelium – fenestrated, particles <7000Da (easily pass), negatively charged
  • BM – negatively charged, filters based on charge
  • Bowman’s Capsule Endothelium – podocytes + slit diaphragms, filter on size, <30 Angstroms (= 22,446 Da)
  • Surface Area depends on no. of functioning nephrons

∴↑age/renal failure = ↓functioning nephrons → ↓SA → ↓Kf → ↓GFR → ↓Renal Drug Elimination

  • NFP = (PGC – πGC) – (PBC – πBC)
    • These are Starling’s Forces
    • NFP depends on BP which is autoregulated to maintain constant GFR
    • Also controlled by Aff. & Eff. Arterial Tone
    • ↑ R = ↑PGC = ↑GFR = ↑renal drug clearance
    • ↓BP/↑ R = ↓PGC = ↓GFR = ↓renal drug clearance
  • For a drug to be cleared it must end up in the ULTRAFILTRATE (i.e. more from glom caps → Bowman’s capsule)

Clearance by glomerular filtration = Fraction of unbound drug in plasma x GFR

  • Determined by:
    • PROTEIN BINDING → only free drug is filtered
    • LIPID SOLUBILITY → easily reabsorbed but not well filtered
    • CHARGE → negatively charged BM ∴less likely to filter negatively charged drugs
    • SIZE → freely filters <7000 Da

Drug Secreted

  • Occurs in PCT
  • By ACTIVE TRANSPORT & exchange pumps
  • Influenced by:
    • RBF
    • DRUG CONCENTRATION (transporters are saturable)
  • Transport systems are:
    • WEAK ACID (frusemide, β-lactams)
    • WEAK BASE (ranitidine, trimethoprim)
    • NUCLEOSIDE (ribavirin)
    • P-GLYCOPROTEIN (digoxin, verapamil)
  • ∴saturable
  • Multiple substrates will compete with each other
  • Molecules that are too big to be cleared can be excreted this way
  • Protein bound drugs are not cleared this way
  • The rate of clearance depends on RBF

Drug Reabsorbed

  • Active & passive
  • DCT & Collecting duct & PCT

Passive Reabsorption

  • Depends on the amount of H2O reabsorbed
  • ↑urine [ ] = drug becomes v. concentrated in urine → creates a great [  ] grad for drug reabsorption
  • ∴factors influencing passive reabsorption
    • Drug [ ]
    • Urinary flow rate
    • Urine pH
    • Drug ionisation

Active Reabsorption

  • Mainly in PCT
  • Drugs resembling glucose/amino acids/vits will compete with their binding sites to get reabsorbed

Drug Metabolism by Kidney

  • DCT has peptides which can metabolise protein i.e. INSULIN → 30% eliminated this way!
  • Imipenem to Tx UTI is metabolised by PCT peptidases → ∴needs co-admin with CILASTATIN to inhibit peptidase digestion of drug

Dose Adjustment for Renal Impairment

  • Required if drug is 50% renally cleared + renal function <50% normal
    • Crt Cl
    • As a marker of GFR
    • Renal drug clearance ∝ Crt cl.

Dose Adjustment

Loading Dose

  • Aim is to rapidly achieve plasma target [ ]
  • Does not need to be altered for renal impairment

EXCEPT → DIGOXIN → ↓VD in renal impairment ∴need ↓loading dose 50% 

  • NB: ↓ VD with digoxin through to be due to ↓ tissue levels of Na/K/ATPase which is the major tissue-binding site for digoxin

Maintenance Dose

  • ↓dose interval or ↓regular dose or both
  • e. Vancomycin → no metabolism → cleared by RENAL ELIMINATION
  • 10mg/kg Q12h → based on body weight & renal function
    • Requires monitoring
    • Trough levels every 4d for courses > 5 days
    • Therapeutic index 15 – 20mg/L

Monitoring Drug Levels

  • Essential for drugs with narrow therapeutic index, esp. critically ill whose volumes & renal function fluctuate daily