I3ii: Describe the measurement of body fluid compartments
Total Body Water = 42L
- 60% of body weight (i.e. 70kg x 0.6 = TBW)
- Varies with age (↑infant, ↓elderly)
- Varies with muscle/fat content (↑fat ∴↓TBW)
- Contained in 2 compartments, separated by a cell membrane
- Isotopically labelled H2O → deuterium (2H)
- Accurate results
- Reproducible within 2%
ECF = 23L
- 55% of TBW
→ Interstitial fluid
→ Plasma
→ Bone & connective tissue fluid
→ Transcellular fluid
- Bone, connective tissue & transcellular fluid is significant amount but not mobilised quickly
- ∴Interstitial & plasma KA ‘FUNCTIONAL ECF’
Isotope Tracer
- e. chloride isotopes
- very small
- Distribute throughout ECF but also may enter cell
- ∴Overestimate
Crystalloid Tracer
- e. inulin, mannitol
- Less diffusible
- ∴underestimate
- If you wanted estimate of the ‘non-fluid ECF’ → you would need to wait >24hrs
Plasma (of ECF)
- An actual real fluid collection
- Where blood cells are suspended
- Evan’s Blue
- Dye which binds albumin
- But albumin is continuously lost to interstitial space
- ∴multiple plasma samples are taken & graph [ ] vs time is extrapolated back to zero
Whole Blood
Labelled Red Cells → 51Cr
No measurement
- Transcellular fluid