K1ii: Drugs used to control raised ICP
Definition ICP & Normal Values
- ICP = the pressure within the cranial vault
- N = 5 – 15mmHg
Determinants of ICP
- Brain tissue (80% volume)
- CSF (5% volume)
- Blood (10% volume)
Drugs to ↓ ICP
- Aim to ↓one or more of these volumes
- Generally 2 categories
↓Parenchymal Volume
Hypertonic saline
Diuretics (mannitol, acetazolamide)
IV sedatives
↓ Parenchymal Volume
Hypertonic Saline
- Solution of high osmolality
- Causes fluid shift from ICF → ECF
- In nervous tissue, flow of H2O into plasma = ↓CSF production
- ↓ICP
- Mannitol
- Physiologically inert, large MW 182
- Confined to ECF
- Cannot cross BBB
- Exerts osmotic force
- Draws H2O out of parenchyma & CSF into plasma
- Mannitol is freely filtered & poorly absorbed by kidneys
- ∴↑H2O excretion
- ↓ICP
- Acetazolamide
- Non-competitive inhibition of CA
- ↓rate of CSF & aqueous humor formation
- ↓ICP
- Steroids
- Tumour assoc cerebral oedema arises because of lack of normal BBB function in tumour capillaries
- Dexamethasone = glucocorticoid
- Tries to normalise endothelial permeability
- Inhibits COX2 which is important enzyme of eicosanoid formation
- ↓cellular oedema
- ↓ICP
IV Sedatives
- Hyperpolarises neuron
- Dose dependent ↓CMRO2
- O2/flow coupling → ↓CBF
- ↓ICP
- Potentiates actions of GABA/glycerine
- ↓CMRO2
- O2/flow coupling → ↓CBF
- ↓ICP
- Bind BZD receptor
- Facilitates GABAergic transmission
- Dose-related ↓CMRO2
- O2/flow coupling → ↓CBF
- ↓ICP
- Minimal effects on ↓CMRO2
- May ↑PaCO2 → ↑CBF
- Pain management
- Prevent seizure activity
- ∴ ↓CMRO2
- O2/flow coupling
- ∴↓ICP
NB: Thiopentone, PPF & midazolam also have anticonvulsant effects