U1iii: Outline physiological consequences of inability to produce insulin

Insulin Summary

  • Polypeptide Hormone
  • Stored + synthesised by β cells of pancreas
  • Ca2+ required for exocytosis & release
  • Released when BSL > 6mmol/L
  • Binds Insulin Receptor A subunits
  • Activates TK
  • Autophosphorylation of receptor
  • Alters intracellular gene transcription

Lack of Insulin

  • Blood glucose tightly regulated by:
    • Insulin → anabolic, ↓BSL
    • Glucagon → catabolic, ↑BSL
  • Lack of insulin alters ratio Insulin : Glucagon

↓ Insulin

    • Inability of cells to transport glucose intracellularly (↓GLUT-4, glucokinase)
    • Inability to store glycogen (↓glycogen synthase)
    • Inability to convert glucose → TAGs (↓lipoprotein lipase)
    • Inability to utilise glucose via glycolysis (↓phosphofructokinase)

↑ Glucagon

    • ↑Gluconeogenesis: ↑Acetyl CoA, glycerol, α-acids → glucose
    • ↑Glycogenolysis
    • ↑Lipolysis: ↑HORMONE SENSITIVE LIPASE (inhibited by Insulin)
      • Breaks stored TAGs
      • Release glycerol + FFA → circulation
      • ↑β-oxidation FFA → Acetyl CoA
      • Acetyl CoA → Kreb’s → ATP
      • Excess Acetyl CoA → ketogenesis
    • ↑Protein breakdown: α-acids → gluconeogenesis → glucose

Physiological Consequences

Hyperglycaemia + Hypovolaemia

    • Ingested CHO + gluconeogenesis = ↑BSL
    • Exceeds kidney TMAX glucose (180mg/dL)
    • Glucosuria
    • Osmotic diuresis → hypovolaemia


    • Osmoreceptors → ↑ADH, thirst
    • Baroreceptors → ↑ outflow, ↑RAAS

Electrolyte Derangement

    • Osmotic diuresis → ↓Na/↓K reabsorption
    • Dilutional hyponatraemia → ECF osmotic shift from ↑BSL, exacerbated by polydipsia
    • ↓insulin → ↑K extracellularly
      • ↓Na+ = confusion, seizures
      • ↑K+ = arrhythmias

Anaerobic Metabolism & Acidosis

    • HORMONE SENSITIVE LIPASE → strongly activated
    • Hydrolyses TAGs → FFAs + Glycerol
    • FFA become 1° E substrate (except in brain) – β-oxidation
    • Ketones = freely diffusible
      • Alternative E. source for brain
    • Excess Acetyl CoA/extreme starvation = ↑ketone production

Acetyl CoA + Acetyl CoA

Acetoacetyl CoA



β – hydroxybutarate (1° ketone in blood)

Freely diffusible

Oxidised back to Acetoacetyl CoA which enters Kreb’s

    • If ketones produced faster than they’re used → then broken down to CO2 + acetone → exhaled
    • β-hydroxybutarate & acetone = anions of strong acids
      • Acetoacetic acid & β-hydroxybuteric acid
    • Production > buffering capacity → ↓↓↓pH
    • ↑anaerobic metabolism by inability of cells to utilise fuels → Pyruvate → lactate → ↓↓↓pH

↓ pH

    • RESP = ↑MV → hypocarbia → R) shift ODC 
    • CVS = mass symp. activation = ↑HR ↑SVR
      • Heart → ↓FoC, arrhythmias 
      • ↑K+ ECF 2° H+/K+ exchange
      • ↓total body K+ 2° hyperosmolar diuresis
      • ↑Ca2+ plasma 2° H+/Ca2+ exchange bone 
    • CNS = coma