V1iv: Foetal circulation changes at birth and the establishment of ventilation

Foetus: conception → birth

Foetal Circulation

Parallel System

  • 1 umb v (oxygenated)

60% Ductus Venosus (#Shunt 1) bypasses liver & IVC   ///               40% Portal V → liver/GI

  • RA

  • Foramen Ovale (#Shunt 2)

  • Ascending Aorta

  • Coronary + Cerebral circulation

  • SVC (deoxygenated)

  • RV

  • Pulmonary trunk

5% lungs                          

high PVR because          

↓PaO2 & collapsed        

////        95% Ductus Arteriosus (Shunt #3)

Desc Aorta

Iliac Arteries

2 Umbilical A


Circulatory Changes & Establishment of Ventilationa at Birth

1. Removal of Low Resistance Placenta

  • Clamped umbilical cord
  • ↑↑SVR
  • ↑LVEDP
  • ↑LAP

2. Inflation of Lungs

  • Passage through birth canal squeezes fluid from lungs
  • Asphyxia → activation of central + peripheral ChemoR
  • First breath
  • ↓PVR
  • ↑Pulmonary BF
  • ↓RVEDP

3. Closure Ductus Arteriosus

  • ↑PaO2
  • ↓Local prsostaglandin formation
  • DA closure in 15hrs (local constriction of T. Media smooth m. in DA)

4. Foramen Ovale Closure

  • ↑Pulmonary BF
  • ↑LVEDP
  • ↑LAP
  • LAP > RAP = closure F. Ovale

5. Closure Ductus Venosus

  • Loss of venous return from Umbilical vessels
  • Closes in 1st week of life
  • Open @ birth → allows umb v. catheterisation
  • Remnant KA Ligamentum Venosum

Infant ventricles = smaller + ↓ compliance = HR 110 – 150bpm