G3iii / 24AQ3: The systemic vascular resistance is suddenly increased, describe the consequences for the otherwise healthy left ventricle
G3iii / 23B17: Describe the consequences for the left ventricle of a sudden and sustained increase in afterload
G1i / 23B02: Outline the anatomy of the cardiac ventricles including the chambers, valves and conduction elements
G7iii / 23A11: Outline the Vaughan Williams classification of anti-arhythmic drugs with examples (30% of Marks). Describe the relevant pharmacology of adenosine (70% of Marks)
G2i / Eiii / 22B05: Outline the structure of fast cardiac sodium channels and describe in detail how they work
G7iii / 22A05: Write short notes on the pharmacology of labetalol and esmolol, highlighting their differences
G6iii / 19A08: Compare and contrast the measurement (40% of marks) and interpretation (60% of marks) of both central venous and mixed venous oxygen saturations
G1ii / 19B16: Compare the structure, function and coronary circulation of the right and left ventricles
G4vii / 17A19: Define mixed venous PO2 (20% of marks). Outline the factors that affect this value (80% of marks)
G7ii: Classify antihypertensive agents by their MoA + Outline each mechanism briefly + Give an example of a drug from each class