G7iii / 23A11: Outline the Vaughan Williams classification of anti-arhythmic drugs with examples (30% of Marks). Describe the relevant pharmacology of adenosine (70% of Marks)
G7iii / 22A05: Write short notes on the pharmacology of labetalol and esmolol, highlighting their differences
G7ii: Classify antihypertensive agents by their MoA + Outline each mechanism briefly + Give an example of a drug from each class
G7ii / 20B20 / 15A11: Outline the pharmacology of sodium nitroprusside Discuss the mechanisms of toxicity and their management
G7ii / 16B02: Compare and contrast the mechanisms of action and toxicity of sodium nitroprusside and glyceryl trinitrate (GTN)
G7iii / 16B21: Classify anti-arrythmic drugs by mechanism of action, giving examples of each (75 marks). Describe the electrophysiological and ECG effects of sotalol (25 marks)
G7i / 17B15: List the properties of an ideal inotope. How does adrenaline compare to these ideal properties