G5i: Cardiovascular responses to anaemia
Anaemia = ‘lack of blood’
- ↓ Hb content in arteries ∴O2 carrying capacity of blood
This affects:
- CaO2 = O2 bound to Hb + O2 dissolved
= [[Hb] x SpO2 x 1.34] + (0.03 x PaO2)
- Large proportion of O2 transported bound to Hb
- ∴↓Hb = ↓O2 carrying capacity of blood
- DO2 = CaO2 x CO
- ∴↓CaO2 = ↓delivery of O2 to organs
Compensatory Mechanisms
- Aim to maintain O2 supply:
- ↑CO
- Redistribution of CO
- ↑O2 extraction
- Late changes
1. ↑ CO
- CO is proportional to [Hb] → half Hb = double CO
- CO = HR x SV
- ↑CO achieved by
- ↓Viscosity
- ↑Symp. stimulation
- Loss of RBC = ↓viscosity of blood
- HP equation of FLOW = ↓
- ∴↓ viscosity = ↑flow
- ↑flow = ↑VR → via F – S → ↑CO
Symp. stimulation
- ↑anaerobic metabolic products (↑H+, lactate, K+)
- ↓SVR
- MAP = CO x SVR
- Detected by High Pressure Baroreceptors
- Vasomotor Centre Medulla : ↑symp. & ↓parasymp. outflow
- Heart → ↑HR, ↑FoC
- Resistance Vessels → VC → ↑SVR
- Capacitance vessels → VC → ↑VR
- Overall ↑CO → restore MAP
2. Redistribution of CO
- Redistribution to tissues with higher extraction ratios i.e. brain, heart
- Kidney tolerates ↓RBF because has v. high perfusion in excess of metabolic requirements (for GFR)
- ↓RBF → oliguria → minimise intravascular volume loss
3. Improved O2 Extraction (VO2)
∴↓CvO2 will ↑VO2
- ↑H+ → Hb proteins release their O2 (KA BOHR EFFECT)
- ↓CvO2
- BOHR EFFECT results in R) shift ODC
4. Late Changes
- ↑2,3 DPG → R) shift ODC → ↑O2 offloading & improved O2 extraction
- ↑EPO production to ↑Hb
- Kidneys retain more Na+ & H2O → ↑ blood volume to ↑CO