G5i: Describe the compensatory mechanisms in a fit person moving from supine to standing position
Effects of Moving Supine to Standing
1) MAP
- Circulation is a column of fluid ∴subject to forces of gravity
- ↑ hydrostatic P at feet
- ↓hydrostatic P at head
- Pooling of blood in distal limb veins
- ↓SV
- ↓CO by F – S mechanism
- ∴↓MAP
2) ↓Cerebral Perfusion Pressure
- ↑vertical distance from heart → brain
- Brain is 30cm above head
- ∴↓MAP by 30cm H2O = 22mmHg
- ∴↓MAP from 90 → 68mmHg
- ∴↓CPP
- ↓CBF
- Cerebral ischaemia/fainting if no compensation
Aim of Compensatory Mechanisms
- Maintain MAP
- Maintain CBF
Compensatory Mechanisms
Map Maintenance
- Baroreceptor reflex
- ↓venous return
- ↓MAP
- Detected by high pressure BaroReceptors
- ↓firing
- At Vasomotor Centre Medulla
- ↓symp. inhibition
- ↓parasymp. outflow
- ↑symp & ↓parasymp outflow
- Baroreceptor reflex
- Heart → ↑HR, ↑FoC
- Resistance Vessels → VC → ↑SVR
- Capacitance Vessels → VC → ↑VR
- ↑Venous return
- Venoconstriction
- Muscle pump → ↑VR
- Thoracic pump (with respiration) → ↑VR
- One way venous valves → propels blood forward
- NET EFFECT → Restore MAP
- ↑Venous return
- Upright posture
- Blood drains from vessels → RA
- Cranium is fixed volume
- ↓CVP → ↓ICP
- Standing also allows CSF pooling in spinal cord → ↓ICP
- ∴CPP maintained
- Metabolic autoregulation
- ↓CBF → build up of metabolites: CO2, H+, K+, adenosine → VD → ↓CVR → ↑CBF
- Pressure autoregulation
- Myogenic mechanism
- ↓MAP → ↓CPP → ↓arteriole stretch → vessels dilate → ↓CVR → ↑CBF
- NET EFFECT: Maintain CBF
- OVERALL: on standing MAP ↓20% → lasts a few seconds → compensatory mechanisms restore MAP & CBF