O1ii: Describe the mechanism of swallowing
Swallowing is the process by which food moves from oral cavity → stomach
- Complex coordinated movements, initiated voluntarily & integrated by swallowing centre in Medulla
3 Phases
1) Oral Phase (Voluntary)
- Food bolus is formed by tongue, chewing, enzymes & H2O (lingual lipase, salivary amylase)
- Tongue propels bolus up + back against hard + soft palate
- Stimulates glossopharyngeal (IX) receptors which activate the swallowing reflex → produces involuntary next two phases
2) Pharyngeal Phase (Involuntary) Via Vagal (X) Efferents
- Respiration inhibited for 2 seconds
- Nasopharynx closed by soft palate
- Adduction of VCs (aryepiglottic muscles)
- Larynx raised up
- Epiglottis swings down to cover larynx
- Bolus food pushed into oesophagus by pharynx contraction & opening of Upper Oesophageal Sphincter
3) Oesophageal Phase (Involuntary) Via Vagal (X) Efferents
- Food enters oesophagus → upper oesophagus sphincter shuts & lower oesophageal sphincter relaxes
- Slow peristaltic waves (via Vagus) are initiated
- Food moves down (Gravity influences fluid > food)
- Secondary peristaltic waves initiated by enteric NS promote further peristalsis → once food enters stomach, LES shuts