24A20: Outline the important similarities and differences between unfractionated heparin and enoxaparin
24A18: Compare and contrast the use of external ventricular drains with intraparenchymal fibreoptic pressure monitors to measure intracranial pressure
24A10: Explain the excitation contraction mechanism as it relates to the smooth muscle of the myometrium including a gravid uterus
24A04: Describe the physical principles of haemodialysis and haemofiltration, including the factors affecting clearance
24A03: The systemic vascular resistance is suddenly increased, describe the consequences for the otherwise healthy left ventricle
V1i / 24A10: Explain the excitation contraction mechanism as it relates to the smooth muscle of the myometrium including a gravid uterus
Q1v / 24A06: Outline the process of fibrinolysis including how it interacts with the coagulation system
G3iii / 24AQ3: The systemic vascular resistance is suddenly increased, describe the consequences for the otherwise healthy left ventricle
F6vi / 24A02: (a) Describe venous admixture and the sources contributing to it in an adult (60% of marks). (b) Explain the effects of supplemental oxygen on arterial hypoxaemia (40% of marks).