K2iii / 23B04: Compare and contrast the pharmacology of phenytoin and levetiracetamClassify the mechanisms of action of anti-convulsant drugs (30% marks). Outline the pharmacology of gabapentin (70% marks)K2iii / 23B04: Compare and contrast the pharmacology of phenytoin and levetiracetam
K2iv / 21B16: Classify the anti-psychotic drugs (25%). Outline the pharmacology of haloperidol (75% marks)
K2ii / 21B02 / 14A17: Classify local anaesthetic agents and give examples (30 marks). Describe the pharmacology of lignocaine
K2ii / 15B07: Draw and label a cross section of the lumbar epidural space (50 marks). Describe the pharmacology of bupivacaine (50 marks)