24A20: Outline the important similarities and differences between unfractionated heparin and enoxaparin
24A18: Compare and contrast the use of external ventricular drains with intraparenchymal fibreoptic pressure monitors to measure intracranial pressure
24A10: Explain the excitation contraction mechanism as it relates to the smooth muscle of the myometrium including a gravid uterus
24A04: Describe the physical principles of haemodialysis and haemofiltration, including the factors affecting clearance
24A03: The systemic vascular resistance is suddenly increased, describe the consequences for the otherwise healthy left ventricle
23B05: Outline the carbohydrate and lipid energy stores of the body (15% marks). Outline the metabolic responses to starvation under the following headings: <24 hours; 24-72 hours; and >72 hours (85% marks)
23B09: Outline the classification, structure and distribution of the opioid receptors (50% marks). Describe the intracellular events following opioid receptor activation (50% marks)
23A01: Outline the abnormalities in the following arterial blood gas (25% of Marks). Explain the Stewart approach to acid-base interpretation (75% of Marks)
23B12: List the effects of stimulation of adrenoreceptors on target organs and tissues (60% marks). Describe the mechanism of action and pharmacokinetics of metoprolol (40% marks)