18A05: Compare and contrast the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics of IV fentanyl and IV remifentanil (60 marks). Discuss the concept of context sensitive half-time using these drugs as examples (40 marks)
18A10: Outline the advantages (15% of marks) and disadvantages (85% of marks) of the clinical use of suxamethonium.
18A14: Classify anticholinesterase drugs according to chemical interaction with an example of each (30% of marks). Outline the pharmacodynamic effects of anticholinesterase drugs and their clinical indications (70% of marks).
18A17: Define the osmolality and tonicity of an intravenous fluid (20% of marks). Compare and contrast the pharmacology of intravenous Normal Saline 0.9% and 5% Dextrose (80% of marks).
18A08: Outline the principle of co-oximetry (40 marks) + describe what a co-oximeter is able to measure (30 marks) + Compare its limitations to those of a pulse oximeter (30 marks)
18A03: Define dead space and its components (30% of marks). Explain how these may be measured (35% of marks) and describe the physiological impact of increased dead space (35% of marks).
18A13: Explain the difference between viscosity and density (10% of marks). Describe the effects of changes in viscosity and density on the flow of gases and liquids (90% of marks).
18A09: Describe the functions of the placenta (80% of marks). Outline the determinants of placental blood flow (20% of marks)
18A06: Define a buffer (25% of marks). Describe how acid and base shifts in the blood are buffered (75% of marks).